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P LEASE DON'T BELIEVE the phoney 9-11 Commission Report—the Final report of the National Commission on terrorist attacks upon the United States, edition published 2004 (662 pages!). While the U.S. condemned the 19 hijackers (al-Qaeda/assistance from Hezbollah) as the "terrorists," in reality, what researchers have found out, blows the lid off the Neocon Zionist's Israeli Mossad [The Israeli foreign intelligence agency] and the US Prez (Bush and gang) were responsible. We might ask ourselves WHY were JEWS missing from work on that fateful day? I'm not implying that Arabs were completely innocent, but I don't believe for a minute that they perpetrated this great EVIL/CRIME. Researchers point out that both the US and Israel had the motive and the means, and the mounds of evidence point to USA's/Israel's GUILT. It should be clear to us Americans by now that this government is crooked as a barrel of snakes; and Israel HATES the concept of the US being "Christian." It ought to be known that the US government does not work alone. It has a "black" leader (not the color black like Obama, but a phantom leadership). Researchers also point out that CIA/FBI rogue agent collaboration is IRREFUTABLE. Those who have honestly examined the 9-11 report find DOZENS AND DOZENS OF MISTAKES AND OUTRIGHT LIES (signed into law Nov. 27, 2002)!! Those responsible for this false report have claimed to have reviewed 2.5 million pages of documents etc.. The "facts" and "circumstances" relating to the "terrorists" attacks have been falsified so as to deceive the world; and the world is deceived. They try to convince the public that "the enemy:" sophisticated, disciplined, and lethal, were American-hated Muslims. The old saying that their hostility towards the "U.S." (USA), and "our" values is limitless, may have some truth, but it is not all true. Actually, the "black" forces that run the U.S. are of this nature. Trust me, THOSE TWIN TOWERS WERE NOT BROUGHT DOWN BY A MERE AIRPLANE...but by explosives placed long before 9-11 by insiders of the U.S./Israeli terrorists. Many patriots who rightly dismiss the impossible "official 9-11" explanation as a mere conspiracy theory are convinced that the "real 9-11" plot was hatched with the selection/election of G. W. Bush in 2000 AD. Those who have studied and examined all this stuff believe that 9-11 was an integral part of a Zionist cluster of conspiracies going back at least to the 1960s; Prez Bush was merely a puppet playing a small part in their overall schemes (writes Victor Thorn in 9-11 Evil). Thorn and dozens of others believe that Israel-firsters were responsible for the Pentagon stand-down. That allowed the "attack on America" to proceed.
Jews in high places! It is pointed out that Dov Zakheim, a very rich rabbi filched more than 2 Trillion (with a CAPITAL "T"!) from the Pentagon—the Biggest (with a CAPITAL "B"!) theft in history. Nice Jewish Rabbi! This "rabbi" was once the comptroller in the office of the undersecretary, with some other Zionists, of a document called Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, force, and Resources for a New Century (published by Project for a New American Century). Rightly so, this document has been dubbed the “blueprint for the 9-11 attack," which called for some "catastrophic" and "catalyzing" event. Well, they got their catastrophic AND catalyzing event at the cost of several thousand lives and oodles of destruction. We know now that 9-11 was like Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin etc. It needs to be noted that hard-core Zionists/Jews believe non-Jews to be mere animals; therefore, murdering thousands is no big thing to them—they have done God a favor!! The Muslims believe the same. This is why they do what they do with fervor. But the Jews USED them in this BIG event!! In no way do I believe that all Jews/Muslims are this way, but the world is infected with these two religions that literally hate Christians/Christianity and non-Jews/non-Muslims. It is believed that BUSH'S BROTHER, ALONG WITH ISRAELI FIRMS, WERE IN CHARGE OF SECURITY AT BOTH THE WTC AND AIRPORTS ON 9-11. How could such a "plot" be kept a secret? Well, first off, we know just about all the media is owned and controlled by Zionists. It is now no secret that the World Trade Center complex had been bought not long before 9-11 by (Jew) Larry Silverstein, a Zionist whose mortgage holder in turn was a Zionist. It also is no secret that Silverstein, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahu were good friends. How convenient!.... Plus it is no secret that the CEO of the Blackstone Group (also Zionists) was involved. The intricately planned act of state-sponsored TERRORISM concocted by Israel (in unison with loyal Zionists) that burrowed into the Pentagon, State Dept., and Pink House (aka White House), was well planned ahead of time. The Arabs were merely USED. Also, within this EVIL PLOT were defense contractors, explosives experts, and computer geniuses. I'm sure they were paid good $$ for their services. Maybe some of them knew what was planned; some did not.
Which Perspective? Mossad has a nasty reputation for such things as this already. Researchers and conspiracy buffs look at the category of Foreign Perspectives; scientific reasoning and knowledge falls into 4 steps or stages; 1. puzzlement; 2. speculation; 3. hypothesis; 4. alternative hypothesis. The explanation (under point #2—speculation) the government gives the public is that the crash of the jets and the fuel fires brought down the towers—see our DVD for proof otherwise. This collapsing of the 2 towers is a hypothesis (#3); the alternative hypothesis (point #4) would be the use of demolition. This is the truth...an inside job, not by Arabs in jets. Get serious folks. Building #7 was the conventional kind of controlled demolition, a building blown up from the bottom up. The twin towers had demolitions set all the way (top to bottom): see the actual filming and demolitions going off as the buildings came down). It is no secret that the US government did everything possible to keep point 4 out of the picture. Tons of evidence has been kept from the public (You wonder why?!). The preferred hypothesis has been pushed off as a TRUTH. It will go down in history as such too. It has been asked "Why in God's name would anyone do something this horrible? What was the psychology and the psychopathology involved? How did the perpetrators rationalize these unconscionable acts of MASS MURDER? What were their SINISTER and EVIL motivations? And who—above all others, stood to benefit most from this HEINOUS crime against all of humanity?” What we do know is that this CRIME got America into another WAR!!...leading to several million lives lost already! The Jews get "Christian America" to do their dirty work for them—MURDER Muslims!! We may never know all the individuals involved who are criminally liable, but we can look for another BIG event in the future…maybe a city (in USA) nuked??, in order to appease the elite. IF YOU BELIEVE FOR ONE MINUTE THAT THE U.S. Government IS YOUR FRIEND, YOU ARE DECEIVED. IF YOU THINK THAT ISRAEL (OR ISLAM) IS YOUR FRIEND, YOU ARE DECEIVED. BETTER TRUST GOD AND HIM ONLY! Don't believe for a minute that the mainstream media tells the truth. HA! They lie like devils; they do everything possible to "cover-up," "change," "conceal," and "ignore" truth. We're all aware of the shadowy entities, e.g., New World Order, globalists, illuminati, Jewish cabals etc.. These forces have all kinds of crazies within them—Satan being their master. This ought to cause you to seek God more and more.
Go the Jesus WAY! To top it all off, the U.S. government demands any and all to follow the politically correct WAY, not the Christian WAY. Friends, we who live in America are under the dark shadow of evil continually. This is WHY we must preach the Gospel—it is the only thing that can contend with this ugly BEAST. And, as you can see, these evil forces have infiltrated the Church as to dominate it (of course, you church dumb-dumbs can't see this, nor do you want to see it!). Now the Messianic-church dupes are pushing this Zionist crap in a trenchant way. The osmosis is spreading like a rotting sore; odious indeed. Don't believe for a minute that you, blood-bought Christian, have to go back under Judaism in order to be a "real Christian." HA! You are a FOOL if you do so. Be Aware! There is a cabal of alternative media figures who deliberately use obfuscation/ lies/deceit/misdirection/misinformation/disinformation to maintain a well-crafted Zionist Protection Racket (ADL/Southern Poverty Law etc. included). There are dozens of foreign political/military personnel who know about 9-11 being Israeli-engineered (not to mention those here in the U.S.).
Set Up! There is no doubt that the Mossad operatives trailed fall-guy Arabs across several nations/states in order to "set them up" (like they did Lee Harvey Oswald). Today, at last, there is a crescendo of truth-telling-evidence PROVING that 9-11 was an inside job done by Zionists and Zionist loyalists within the U.S. government. So, both the US and Israel are GUILTY. Since this is true, the media downplays all of this: leading the public away from the guilty, pointing to the Muslims. Well, the Muslims are getting what they rightly deserve too—they have made war against both the Christians, and Jews, from the very beginning of Islam. Both the Muslim's Quran (and hadiths), and the Jew's Talmud, grant, even command them, to LIE/CHEAT/MURDER/STEAL/KILL/DECEIVE/MOLEST etc. etc. the non-Muslims/non-Jews. Once you know that Israeli-owned companies controlled corporate and government phone banks, wire-tapping, instant messaging, computer equipment, and back-doors to their fire-walls, one will not be in the dark about who did 9-11. Beware: Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon; a missile did! Flight 93 did not crash in PA either—other lies. Well, enough said here. STOP BELIEVING THE BIG LIE ABOUT 9-11. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS BIG TIME! PRAY FOR THIS NATION; THERE WILL BE AN EVEN BIGGER EVENT IN THE FUTURE. BLOOD WILL RUN IN AMERICAN STREETS. JOIN THE REPENTANCE REVOLUTION…NOW!!! |
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